Puget Sound

 No riding today. 

My high school buddy and host Rob and I took a drive to his recreational property around Puget Sound to meet with the plumber working on his house cabin. 181 km, it was a 2 1/4 hour drive through gnarly 10 lane traffic.

We crossed the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, a double suspension bridge over Puget Sound. This is the site of the infamous Galloping Gertie, the name of the prior bridge that would bounce wildly in certain wind conditions. That bridge had a bad end months after it opened in 1940, which resulted in the construction of a new, then subsequent additional bridge. 

A short while later, we crossed the Hood Canal Floating Bridge, which is in fact a draw bridge designed to allow Trident nuclear powered submarines through Hood Canal for practice manoeuvres.  Rob's cabin is resident on Hood Canal and he described how, on occasion, submarines and sometimes war ships will be engaged in naval games just off his property and he has a front row seat to see the action.

Rob is the most easy going person you could hope to meet. He rarely worries about anything (a benefit of retirement) and doesn't feel at all bad about taking his time. We have been friends since grade 10, celebrating 49 years of friendship.

We were drinking then, too!

Back on the road tomorrow (Thursday).

Epilogue: more photos

  Week 1 Beach at Fort Stevens. Surfers at Fort Stevens. Nuts! Fort Stevens military lookout. Random small town buildings. Crab fishermen. S...